
Rose Hip Syrup | Simple Recipe

Rose Hip Syrup | Simple Recipe

After sharing on Instagram about my first trials making Rose Hip Syrup, you asked me if I could share the recipe with you... well, of course I can! Rose hip syrup is super easy to make, and very nutritious too as rose hips are incredibly rich in vitamin C! Thus, I...

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How to make Black Mulberry Jam

A week or so ago, I went to visit a friend in the village. While talking about the idea of making blackberry jam, she suddenly said "oh, we should visit the mulberry trees!". Quickly, she gathered a small container and two pair of gloves, and off we went to the...

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Homemade Blackberry Jam (with honey | no pectin)

Who doesn't like blackberries, am I right? Ok, maybe some people don't, and that's ok. However, for those of us who LOVE blackberries, here is a recipe to make the most delicious blackberry jam! First things first, we need to forage for the blackberries. They are...

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How to make White Crowberries’ Jelly (Camarinhas)

Today I'm really happy to share with you my recipe of how to make white crowberries' jelly! Camarinhas (as we called them in portuguese) or Corema album (scientific name) are endemic to the Atlantic coastal dunes of the Iberian Peninsula and have been consumed since...

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Bioregional Animism

Bioregional Animism

What is (New) Animism? Many of us who learn about Animism feel attracted to it. The idea that the whole world is alive makes sense to many of us. In this article, I explain briefly the history behind this word, how it has been used in harmful ways towards indigenous...

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Reindeer Bone Flute || Song Improvisation

I'm so excited to share this one with you... I have finally finished my bone flute! Oh, and I'm so happy with it 😊 It was such a joyful but also challenging learning experience. The body of the flute wasn't so difficult to make, however, it took me quite a while to...

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Dia da Espiga | A Magical Portuguese Tradition

Dia da Espiga | A Magical Portuguese Tradition

Hi friends! Today I would like to share with you about another ancient portuguese tradition that not many people know about. It's called Dia da Espiga and it is still celebrated today in many places all over Portugal. Origins of Dia da Espiga Dia da Espiga translates...

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Delicious Homemade Elderflower Cordial Recipe

Delicious Homemade Elderflower Cordial Recipe

Have you ever wondered how to make the most delicious Elderflower Cordial in the whole world? Well, wait no more! Today I want to share with you the recipe that created the most magical drink that (probably) ever existed 😋 Harvesting Elderflowers First things first,...

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Fleshing a Sheepskin | An Overview [with VIDEO]

Hi friends! Have you ever wondered how fleshing a sheepskin looks like? Neither most people 😄 HOWEVER, if you got curious, today is your lucky day 'cause I'm sharing an overview of the process for anyone interested in learning more about it! I am not a super...

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Charcoal & Thorns || My Handpoked Tattoos

Charcoal & Thorns || My Handpoked Tattoos

Welcome back to my blog! Today I'm writing about my charcoal tattoos, including my reasons for getting them, their meanings, who tattooed me and how I feel about them two months later. I hope you enjoy it! Ancient Ink Humans have been tattooing their bodies since...

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Easter Tradition || The Cycle of Life and Death

Easter Tradition || The Cycle of Life and Death

How do Portuguese people relate with Goats and Sheep during Easter time? And how does that relationship relates to the Cycle of Life and Death? Here in Portugal, there is a ritual of eating goat or sheep meat during Easter celebrations. I always knew it was tradition,...

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My Handmade Winter Clothing | How It Performed [Parte 2]

My Handmade Winter Clothing | How It Performed [Parte 2]

Hi dear friends, I hope you're all well and taking good care of yourselves. As promised, here goes PART 2 of how my handmade Winter clothes performed in the cold of Northern Finland! If you're interested in this topic, make sure to start by reading PART 1 here, so you...

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Hello there! My name is Ana Filipa Piedade and I am a portuguese hide tanner and ancestral skills student, practioner and teacher who finds a lot of joy in sharing about traditional living skills with others. I hope you enjoy this space!

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» Sheepskin Tanning Guidebook «

In this guidebook, you will learn how to naturally fat tan your own hair-on sheepskin.

You will learn how to use natural fats, smoke, a few hand tools and a lot of elbow grease to transform a raw skin into a beautiful pelt that can be used in various leathercraft projects.

» Get your copy here «

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