Neolithic Living | It’s happening!

Published on Feb 20, 2020 | Last updated on Mar 18, 2021

Neolithic Living is happening! After 2 months of intense preparation, here I go to finally meet my tribe at Kierikki Stone Age Centre and live a full week at the Neolithic village there ✨⁠

Neolithic wooden house in Kierikki

Time was very limited, so there was a lot more I wish I had done but couldn’t. However, I couldn’t be happier with what I actually managed to do in so little time, which was so much more than I could ever imagine. I mean… I made a whole outfit! ehehe It’s truly rewarding 😊⁠

I couldn’t have done it without help, though. I am eternally grateful to Pedro Cipriano for helping me so much with the whole process, doing all house chores and bringing me food to my mouth so I could keep tanning/sowing non-stop 😄; to all the amazing shepherds in Foz Côa who helped me by saving as many sheepskins they could instead of throwing them away; to Eucalyptus trees for giving me their bark; to Sheep for giving me their beautiful skins and wool; and, of course, to my human family, friends and everyone who have been encouraging me along the way, giving me motivation to keep going, even when I just felt like giving up. Thank you ❤️⁠

Photo: Log house at Kierikki Stone Age Centre during the Summer of 2018 ❤️⁠

If you’re curious about what happened during my time at Kierikki, jump right to this article – Stone Age Living | My Week at Kierikki Stone Age Centre – and start reading all about it!

Hello there! My name is Ana Filipa Piedade and I am a portuguese hide tanner and ancestral skills student, practioner and teacher who finds a lot of joy in sharing about traditional living skills with others. I hope you enjoy this space!

Read more here »

» Sheepskin Tanning Guidebook «

In this guidebook, you will learn how to naturally fat tan your own hair-on sheepskin.

You will learn how to use natural fats, smoke, a few hand tools and a lot of elbow grease to transform a raw skin into a beautiful pelt that can be used in various leathercraft projects.

» Get your copy here «

Front cover of the Sheepskin Tanning Guidebook

» Living in Reciprocity with the Land «

Online Class

In this online class, we explore some of civilization’s myths and the importance of seeing our ancient ancestors with new eyes. We also tap into what it means to live a life in service to the land and ecological community, delving into topics such as getting to know our other-than-human family, reciprocal conservation, ancestral skills, animism and rewilding.

» Learn more here «

living in reciprocity with the land online class

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