Hey friends! How are you? I really hope you are well and taking good care of yourself. Today, this will be a bit of a fun post as I’ll be sharing with you all about our tribe’s media appearances!
Curious journalists
During our time at Kierikki Stone Age Centre, we were visited by several local and national journalists who were very curious about what we were up to. As I mentioned in one of my previous blog posts, our aim was not only to experiment living as a Neolithic community in Winter conditions, but also to help promote Kierikki to a wider public. Therefore, we were happy to receive journalists around our fire hearth and answer to their questions.

Screenshot of TV report about our Stone Age Winter Experiment (full video bellow)
We did our best to convey the message about the importance of places like Kierikki as centres for understanding our Ancestors (…) We also tried to show in a more practical way how seriously brilliant our Forebears were (…).
in Stone Age Living | My Week at Kierikki Stone Age Centre
Video Appearances
Bellow I share three videos filmed by local online newspapers, one of them even broadcasted on national television. They show a glimpse of how we lived during our time in Kierikki and share some of the reasons for our experiment (and yes, we did eat the whole reindeer!).
You can click on each image bellow to jump to the respective video page:
Printed Newspaper
Our group was also featured in the Kaleva‘s physical newspaper. A whole article was written about our group and Steven (@stevendirven) made an appearance in the front cover!
- Kaleva’s article about our group
- You can click on the image to read it!
Online news
If you’re interested, you can also read other articles we were featured in bellow. They are all in Finnish with the exception of the last one. However, you can always translate the text in Google Translator, if you’re curious to know more:
- Kierikissä kokeillaan parhaillaan kivikauden arkipäivän talviasumista
- 2-vuotias Tindra asuu kivikautisissa oloissa vain 50 kilometrin päässä Oulun keskustasta – nahkaan ja turkiksiin pukeutunut heimo pärjää pakkasessa
- Kierikissä kokeillaan, kuinka kivikauden ihminen pysyi hengissä talvella – “Erakko ei ole pitkään selviytynyt”
- Kivikautisesta yöpymisestä kaavaillaan uutta matkailutuotetta – Roni Öhman vietti paukkupakkasilla viikon ruokomajassa 2-vuotiaan lapsensa kanssa
- Watch: Wilderness enthusiasts try out Stone Age life in Finland
Small Disclaimer
I don’t know Finnish but I did my best to translate the online texts in order to understand what they say. As usual, some articles are more sensationalist than others, some more accurate in information than others. So take everything you read with a grain of salt and… enjoy 😁 ehehe
I really hope you had fun seeing all the pics and watching the videos about this Stone Age Winter Experiment! And please, don’t be shy! Feel free to interact with me on the comment section bellow 😊
So much love and take care, Filipa 🌙
P.S. Are you curious to learn all about our Stone Age meal plan for that week? Then, make sure to read Lucy’s blog post Finland Stone Age Trip. Part Two. ‘What did we eat?’! You can read the full post here »» https://wildawake.ie/blog/