This was our home, this entrance crossed so many times by the members of our tribe, like a portal in between two worlds. During this last week at our Neolithic living experience, we dressed in skins, cooked with a clay pot in the fire, ate reindeer meat and berries, slept tight together in that same house, sang many songs of friendship, darkness and the Ancestors, told stories around the fire, hugged, smiled and laughed a lot, and above all, delighted with the presence of our youngest member, only barely two years old, but just as much part of our Clan as any other ❤️
Our main aim was to spread the word about Kierikki Stone Age Centre by simply being ourselves doing what we love the most: live as lightly as possible on this Earth, connect with the Ancestors, and hopefully inspire others to the same and change their perception about our old Wise Ones. As Lynx Vilden has said so many times,
“our Ancestors were brilliant“.
Even though this experience has ended, I’m not quite ready to go back yet. There’s something else I need to do before I leave Finland, which I’ll share in time. In the meantime, I’m slowly starting to write down all the things I have learned during this experience that I really want to share with you all.
So don’t go anywhere, stay around this fire with me, because a good story is just now brewing in my clay pot… 🔥🌙❄️
If you’re curious about this experience, then jump right into the post Stone Age Living | My Week at Kierikki Stone Age Centre! I hope you enjoy reading it ❤️