LIVING AS SACRED | Online Journey

Published on Mar 12, 2022 | Last updated on Jan 3, 2023

Living as Sacred | Online Journey

I’m so honoured to be part of Living as Sacred, an online journey that will happen from May to June in 2022 and is inspired by the work of Joanna Macy, author of The Work That Reconnects. As shared by Living as Sacred:

The story Joanna offers is called “The Great Turning” and it asks us to transition from an Industrial Growth Society, based on greed, exploitation and competition, to a Life Sustaining Society. She, and we, envision a culture of respect, regeneration, cooperation, and common action for the sake of life on Earth.

As I learned more about the inspiration for this journey, I realised what a gift and responsibility it is to be part of it. That’s why I spent many days putting together a class focused on a theme so dear to my heart, under the great theme of “Going Forth”, that will delve into topics such as seeing our ancient ancestors with new eyes and living a life in service to and reciprocity with the land.

Join us in this wonderful journey

Living as Sacred will be in both Portuguese and English, and you’ll have access to videos, podcasts, informative pdfs, live sessions, a telegram group, and many other resources over 14 weeks, created by 13 different women. It is open to everyone.

✨ Early bird price ends tomorrow (-20%)! ✨ If you’re interested, write to to book your place. You can also visit Living as Sacred to know more. The website will be launched very soon! I’ve seen a sneak peek of it and can tell you it’s looking gorgeous!

Thank you so much, Maria Peres and Emilia Cianci for inviting me to be part of something this beautiful and relevant in the times we’re living. And thank you for all those who already signed up. I feel nervous, but in a good way. I am very excited to meet you all very soon.

Living as Sacred

Hello there! My name is Ana Filipa Piedade and I am a portuguese hide tanner and ancestral skills student, practioner and teacher who finds a lot of joy in sharing about traditional living skills with others. I hope you enjoy this space!

Read more here »

» Sheepskin Tanning Guidebook «

In this guidebook, you will learn how to naturally fat tan your own hair-on sheepskin.

You will learn how to use natural fats, smoke, a few hand tools and a lot of elbow grease to transform a raw skin into a beautiful pelt that can be used in various leathercraft projects.

» Get your copy here «

Front cover of the Sheepskin Tanning Guidebook

» Living in Reciprocity with the Land «

Online Class

In this online class, we explore some of civilization’s myths and the importance of seeing our ancient ancestors with new eyes. We also tap into what it means to live a life in service to the land and ecological community, delving into topics such as getting to know our other-than-human family, reciprocal conservation, ancestral skills, animism and rewilding.

» Learn more here «

living in reciprocity with the land online class

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